受 控 文 件

 编号 GDOU-T-10-285

  日期 2015.12.29















GOU’s International Students Regulations



In order to regulate our international students’ education and to promote effective international exchanges and cooperation, GOU has implemented the following regulations.


第一章  外国留学生管理与服务

Article 1   International Student Management and Services

第一条 外国留学生是指非中华人民共和国国籍、按照相关规定招收到我校攻读博士、硕士、学士学位的以及语言培训、专业进修等非攻读学位的人士。外国留学生由对外联络处归口管理。

1International student is as a non-Chinese national whose purpose at GOU is to study for a Bachelor, Masters, P.H.D or any other course requiring academic expertise such as language courses or similar programs. International students are administrated under GOU’s International Office.

第二条 教务处、研究生处分别负责相关的外国学历研究生留学生攻读学士或硕士、博士学位的学籍管理、学习成绩管理以及审核招收留学生有关学院的教学计划等工作。对外联络处、文学院负责语言留学生的招生、教育管理工作。

2.The Academic Affairs office and Postgraduate Department share the responsibility for university management, international student education,academic performance, and for teaching plan revisions. The International Office and Faculty of Humanities oversee international student enrollment and Chinese language education. 

第三条 各有关学院负责外国学历留学生教学管理的具体实施。

3The relevant GOU department is responsible for designing curricula for international students.

第四条 对外联络处负责外国留学生的招生、各项涉外事务、帮助办理签证及各种证件、入学注册、各种活动的组织安排,留学生所在学院负责课程教学管理工作。

4.The International Office is responsible for international student enrollment and registration, visas and required documentation, and organizing activities for students. The departments which the international students study are responsible for curricula and teaching management.

第五条 对外联络处配合学校后勤管理处、学生公寓服务管理中心为留学生提供膳宿及其他日常生活服务。

5GOU’s International Office, in conjunction with the Logistics Department and the Dormitory Management Centre, organizes foreign student accommodation and sundry daily services.


第二章  外国留学生行为规范

Article 2   International Student Code of Conduct

第六条 自觉遵守中国法律、法规,严格遵守校纪、校规,有良好的品德。

6Students must conscientiously abide by China’s laws, strictly observe university discipline, and exhibit good moral character at all times.

第七条 努力学习,认真完成学习任务。学习期间不从事传教和经商活动以及任何与学生身份不符的其他活动。持“X”签证或未取得居留许可证的留学生不得在华工作。

7Students must study well and endeavor to complete all of their learning tasks. Students must not engage in missionary work and/or business activities during their education period, nor engage in any activity that might compromise their academic status. Students possessing an "X" visa or Residence Permit can only remain in China under the terms cited for these documents.

第八条 尊重中国人民的风俗习惯。

8Students must respect local customs and behavior while residing in China.

第九条 积极参加体育锻炼和健康的文娱活动,增进身心健康。

9Students are advised to actively participate in physical exercise and healthy recreational activities in order to enhance their physical and mental well-being.

第十条 爱护公共财物,损坏公共财物要赔偿。

10Students must respect public property, and will be required to pay compensation for any damage they cause.

第十一条 服饰整洁,讲究卫生,举止得体。

11A student’s must be courteous, wear neat and clean clothing, and pay proper attention to personal hygiene at all times. 

第十二条 维护和增进派遣国与中国人民之间的友谊,同学之间、同学与老师之间、同学与工作人员之间应互相尊重,团结友好。

12Students must endeavor to maintain mutual respect and cordial relationships with all Chinese people, and especially with GOU’s students, teachers, and staff members.

第十三条 自觉遵守和维护公共秩序。不酗酒、不赌博、不吸毒、不斗殴,不观看和传播反动、淫秽书刊和音像制品。未经学校同意,不得在校内散发和张贴任何宣传品,不得参加或组织任何与学业无关的集会、活动等。

13Students must consciously maintain public order at all times. In this spirit, students must avoid excessive alcohol consumption, gambling, drug abuse, fighting, viewing and/or disseminating reactionary or pornographic materials. Students must not distribute or post any material or advertising without first obtaining university consent. Students should also not organize or participate in any gatherings or rallies that are unrelated to their normal study program.


第三章  收费办法

Article 3   Tuition

第十四条 学生入学前按规定把应缴的学杂费、代收款等存入自己的建行卡内,入学报到一周内到财务处缴纳本学年的学费和住宿费(以人民币支付)。学习期限不满一学期者,按半年标准缴交学费;学习期限在一学期以上一学年以下者,按一年标准缴费。不按规定时间缴费者,不予注册。因结业、休学、退学等原因离校时,按月结算住宿费,未满一月者,该月住宿费概不退还。语言留学生可按学习期限缴纳学费。

14On arrival to GOU all international students are required to open a Chinese bank account, that of Chinese Construction Bank, as to allow prompt and efficient dealings in all university related financial transactions.An international student is required to pay a full year’s tuition and accommodation fees ( ¥ RMB) within a week of the beginning of the semester. If the student arrives in the middle of the semester, they must pay half of the academic year’s tuition and accommodation fees. If a student fails to complete two semesters, they are still required to pay for one full year of tuition fees and accommodation. Students who do not settle their fees within the time specified will not be registered. Occasionally, a student is suspended from university, withdraws voluntarily, or is otherwise unable or unwilling to complete their education, so the university insists on accommodation fees to be paid monthly if they were not previously settled in full. Accommodation fees are not refundable if students decide to leave the dormitory after staying for less than one month.

第十五条 学历留学生中途辍学、退学、或被开除学籍者,该学期学费不退;中途复学或入学者,须缴付该学期的全额学费。住宿费按实际天数结算。

15Tuition fees will not be refunded to students who are expelled or drop out from the university. If a student wishes to return to GOC in the middle of the semester, they must first pay fees equal to a full year’s tuition. Accommodation fees will be calculated according to the number of days the student needs to occupy a dormitory room.


第四章  入学与注册

Article 4   Student Registration

第十六条 新生持护照、广东海洋大学录取通知书和外国人体格检查记录表按规定时间到对外联络处办理入学手续,填写《广东海洋大学外国留学生登记备案表》,领取《广东海洋大学留学生手册》。报到时需交大一寸白底、免冠、正面半身照片8张以便办理各种证件(工本费由留学生本人支付)。因故不能如期报到,又不来函来电说明者,逾期 2周后取消入学资格。

16.New international students need to submit their passport, international physical examination form, and invitation letter to the International Office to begin their admission process. They have to fill the International Students’Registration Form and get the GOU International Student Handbook.Students must also submit eight 1-inch square full face passport sized photos taken against a white background. These photos are the responsibility of the students, and are necessary for a variety of documents and identification during their study period. If a student fails to report to school within two weeks of the start of classes without notifying the school by phone or writing, their admission will be cancelled.

第十七条 外国人体格检查记录表需经湛江市国际旅行卫生保健中心验证。验证不合格者应在规定时间内到卫生保健中心补检有关项目或重新体检,费用自理。身体不达健康标准者不予注册。

17Physical examination records are required by the Zhanjiang International Travel Health Care Center Verification. If the medical tests do not meet Chinese Health Care Center standards, the physical exam must be repeated at a local hospital at the student’s expense. If the physical examination results do not meet Chinese health standards, the student will not eligible to register.

第十八条 新生入境后须在30天内向湛江市公安局出入境管理中心申办居留证。

18New international students must appear at the Zhanjiang Public Security Bureau’s Exit & Entry Management Center of within 30 days of their arrival to apply for their Residence Permit.

第十九条 在校生于每学期开学前应按规定的时间到对外联络处和所在学院或研究生处注册。未经请假而不按时到校者,以旷课论处,逾期两周不注册者,按自动退学处理。

19Students must report to the International Office promptly at the beginning of the semester to begin their registration process. If they fail to do so without first asking for leave, and/or do not come to school within two weeks of the start of classes, they will be considered absent, and/or regarded as a drop out.


第五章  考勤和纪律

Article 5   Attendance and Discipline

第二十条 留学生应根据所学专业和学校规定的课程表上课。自觉遵守学习纪律,按时上课,不得旷课和无故迟到、早退。

20An international student’s evaluation will be based on their study curriculum, observance of university regulations and discipline, and their class performance. Students must attend class on time, avoid absenteeism and have valid reasons for lateness or leaving class early.

第二十一条 留学生因病因事请假,应办理请假手续。请病假需有医生证明,请事假应事先写请假报告,请假3天以内的,由班主任批准;一周以内的,由院长批准并报对外联络处备案;两周以内的,由教务处或学生处、研究生处批准并报对外联络处备案;两周以上由主管校领导批准并报对外联络处备案。

21If international students have compelling reasons for not attending class, they must follow university regulations for taking leave. Students must submit a doctor's certified note for sick leave, and also must submit a written report within 3 days of the beginning of their leave. A request for leave must be approved by the teacher if the absence period is less than one week. It must also be approved by the school’s president, and then be submitted to the International Office for addition to the student’s personal record. A leave request for a period less than two weeks must be approved by the Academic Affairs Office, the Student Affairs Office, and the International Office where it will be placed on file. A leave of more than two weeks must be approved by the relevant department head and International Office officials, and a report will also be placed on file.

第二十二条 留学生请假,累计不得超过每学期总学时数的三分之一。超过者,作休学处理。

22An international student’s leave duration may not exceed one-third of the total number of teaching hours per semester for their course of study. Exceeding this limit will initiate the drop out process.

第二十三条 凡未经请假或请假未获批准而缺课或学期末不经批准提前离校,均作旷课处理。

23If an international student is absent from class without approval, or leaves the university before the semester ends, they will be treated as absent without leave or as taking leave without departmental approval.

第二十四条 对遵守学校纪律,学习成绩优秀的留学生,学校颁发相应的奖学金。

24International students who qualify for excellence awards or scholarships must first comply with the university’s disciplinary requirements.

第二十五条 留学生享受我国的节假日及学校的寒暑假。若逢留学生本国的重大节日,留学生可向所在学院申请放假1-2天。

25All international students will have all Chinese holidays and university vacations off. Students are also eligible to take one or two off to celebrate their major festivals.

第二十六条 对于违反校纪校规者,应视情节轻重予以处分直至退学;对违反我国法律、法规的留学生,将追究法律责任,并移送司法机关处理。

26Violation of university regulations shall be punishable according to the seriousness of the offense. International students can be expelled from university for violating Chinese law, and will be held fully accountable for their actions.


第六章  教学管理

Article 6   Curriculum Management

第二十七条 本科留学生教学管理




1.高级汉语课程(包括写作)为必修课,统一安排在第 1-2学期授课,共32学时,学分2。

2.中国概况课为必修课,统一安排在第 3学期授课,共48学时,学分3。







27International undergraduate curriculum management

(A) International undergraduate students must successfully complete all prerequisite courses in their program before they are permitted to graduate. Students will be awarded a diploma only after their program of study has been reviewed, and their results satisfy degree certification provisions found in the "People's Republic of China Academic Degrees".

(B) According to China’s Ministry of Education, international undergraduates are exempt from studying Marxist Theory, and from attending Chinese ideological, political and/or military education. International undergraduates must achieve a minimum grade point average in their courses in order to graduate. A student’s total credits do not include those earned for prerequisite courses.

(C) Specific provisions for the following courses are as follows:

Ⅰ.Advanced Chinese (including writing) are required courses. These classes are worth 2 academic credits, comprise a total of 32 teaching hours, and should be completed during the first and second semesters.

Ⅱ.Chinese Overview classes are required, are worth 3 academic credits, comprise a total of 48 hours, and should be completed during the third semester.

Ⅲ.Physical Education (PE) is an elective course.

Ⅳ.International students engaged in non-English major programs are not required to complete the CET examination, and their course results will not affect their graduation requirements.

(D) International undergraduates exhibiting good academic performance may be eligible for early graduation provided they successfully complete their required courses. As per GOU’s regulations, if a student fails to complete a degree program course within four (or in some cases five) years, they may or may not be permitted to extend their study period, depending on the situation.

(E) International undergraduate students can use a flexible evaluation approach in their program. They can, for example, select oral and written interview results to establish their grade. Students can also request an extension of their examination schedule.

(F) If international undergraduate students who are studying in China do not understand the language, and/or cannot adapt to the Chinese learning methods, they should report their learning difficulties to the appropriate department, and ask for assistance. Students experiencing trouble may also ask for tutorial instruction from some of the outstanding Chinese students at the university.

(G) International undergraduate students who are enrolled in Management courses should refer to the "Guangdong Ocean University Undergraduate Enrollment and Degree for Management Implementations" for information. However, students should be aware that some of the provisions mentioned there may not apply.

第二十八条 研究生留学生教学管理参照《广东海洋大学全日制留学研究生学籍管理实施细则》执行。

28. Graduate students enrolled in Teaching Management must obey "Guangdong Ocean University Postgraduate Full-Time Study Rules ".


第七章  图书借阅

Article 7   Library

第二十九条 领取借书证时需交押金。结业离校时还清所借图书及借书证后,凭押金收据取回押金。

29To receive a GOU library card, students first need to pay a deposit for which they will receive a receipt. International students who want their deposit returned at the end of their study period must first submit their deposit receipt, and ensure that all borrowed have been returned to the library.

第三十条 爱护图书,不得涂划或损坏。

30International students must take care of borrowed books, and ensure they have not been scratched or damaged.

第三十一条 丢失或损坏图书应照章赔偿。借书证只限本人使用,不得转借他人。

31International students must pay for any loss or damage of borrowed books. A student’s library card is for personal use only, and must not be lent to others.

第三十二条 借书册数和期限,按图书馆有关规定办理。

32According to Library regulations, an international student can only borrow a limited number of books.


第八章  住宿管理

Article 8   Accommodation Management

第三十三条 留学生住房由对外联络处配合学生公寓服务管理中心统一安排,学校不提供夫妇住房。

33International student accommodation will be arranged jointly by the International Office and the Dormitory Management Center. The university only offers single accommodations to international students.

第三十四条 保持房内整洁和安静,房间不得转借他人,不得留宿外人。

34International students must keep their room clean and quiet at all times.. A student’s room cannot be lent to others, nor can a student allow their guests to stay overnight.

第三十五条 房内设施及家具均为配套使用,不得加工改装或弃置门外;不得私配房门钥匙及自行在房门上加锁或换锁。入宿时办好借用手续,离宿时向对外联络处和宿舍管理人员清点财务并如数归还。如有损坏或丢失,应照价赔偿。

35Room facilities and furniture are provided for basic daily usage, and thus must not be modified or abandoned outside the premises, Students must not change their door locks, or make or lend their own keys. When requesting or borrowing furniture and/or living items, these details must be reported to the Dormitory Management Centre for inventory purposes. Should anything be damaged or lost, students will be held accountable, and be held responsible for replacement, if necessary.

第三十六条 遵守防火规定,严防火灾。酿成火灾者,须赔偿一切损失,严重者将追究刑事责任。

36International students must comply with fire and safety regulations. Starting a fire or being found guilty of arson are serious offenses, and students will be held criminally accountable for any damages or loss.

第三十七条 注意节约用电,遵守用电规定,超标用电者应按规定交纳电费。

37International students must conserve electricity whenever possible. Students will be held personally responsible for any excessive electricity bills while they occupy their dormitory rooms.

第三十八条 留学生如从校内搬到校外居住,需事先按规定办理校外住房手续并由公安局变更居留证地址。否则,学校不予迁出,也不退房费。

38If international students want to live off campus, they must first apply to the Public Security Bureau, and register with the local police station. Students must apply for an off-campus Residence Permit, and request a change of address. If the student fails to follow these procedures, the university will not allow the move, nor refund the student’s accommodation fee.

第三十九条 留学生如在校外租房,须按有关规定办理校外合法租房手续,到居住地公安机关办理登记手续,并到对外联络处登记地址。如果更新住房应按规定重新办理有关手续并在一周内到对外联络处重新登记。

39International students wishing to live off campus must register for a residence change from the local police station, and report to the International Office within one week their move, to submit their new registered address and contact information.


第九章  保健医疗

Article 9   Health

第四十条 留学生来华前,必须进行体格检查,并有符合中国卫生检疫部门要求的健康证明书。否则,抵校后须到指定的医院进行体格检查。凡患有不适宜在华学习的疾病的留学生,应即离校回国。

40Prior to their arrival in China, international students must provide a certified medical examination and possess a health certificate that follows Chinese Sanitation and Quarantine Department requirements. Otherwise, on arrival in China they must visit a designated hospital to undergo a medical examination. Persons suffering from infections and/or contagious diseases are not eligible to study in China, and must immediately, return to their own country.

第四十一条 留学生医疗费用自理。在校医院看病,凭学生证就诊。

41International students are responsible for paying their own medical expenses. If they use a hospital designated by the university, they must first present their student ID card before receiving medical tests or a consultation.

第四十二条 因违反校纪、校规等而造成的伤亡事故所需的有关费用,由肇事留学生自理。

42Expenses incurred due to injuries and casualties either related to, or caused by, a violation of university regulations will be the sole responsibility of the student.

第四十三条 留学生要自费购买在华期间的医疗和意外保险。

43On arrival to GOU all international students are required to purchase private health insurance as from a company recommended by the university, and to which all such costs must be made by the student.


第十章  旅  游

Article 10   Travel

第四十四条 留学生利用节假日到国(境)内外旅游,离校前应向对外联络处说明去向。旅行时要遵守中国公安部门的有关规定。

44If international students want to travel in China during the holidays they must first report to the International Office. Students must always comply with the relevant provisions of China's public security while traveling.


第十一章  奖励条例

Article 11   Scholarships and Awards

第四十五条 优秀留学生奖。



(1)成绩优异奖。一等奖:每学年末平均成绩在90 分以上且综合排名中的前两名语言生,每学年末平均成绩在80分以上的学历生;二等奖:每学年期末平均成绩在85 分以上且综合排名中的各班第1名语言生,每学年期末平均成绩在75 分以上的学历生;三等奖:每学年期末平均成绩在85 分以上且综合排名中的各班第2、3名的语言生,每学年期末平均成绩在70 分以上的学历生。




AInternational students with good moral character who study Chinese language for one or more semesters, and achieve excellent grades may be eligible to receive a scholarship for their efforts.

BThe Award of Merit and HSK Prize represent two academic achievement prizes:

Ⅰ.Award of Merit

First Prize: International Chinese Language students who achieve an average grade point average of at least 90 points qualify for this award. Also, the top two international students who earn a grade point average of 80 points or more per year will qualify for this award.

Second Prize: International Chinese Language students with a grade point average of 85 points or more will qualify for this award. Also, international students earning a grade point average of 75 points or more per year will qualify for this award.

Third Prize: International Chinese Language students with a grade point average of 85 points or more at the end of each academic year are eligible for this award. Also, second and third rank Chinese Language students earning a grade of 70 points or more qualify for this award.

Ⅱ.The HSK Prize. The top eight International Chinese Language students who successfully complete the HSK/HSK 8 examinations are eligible for this prize.

CAny international student who achieves excellent grades will be provided with a financial scholarship as determined monthly that will consist of both certification as well as relevant financial reward. Such amount of financial reward will be determined by the subsequent current monetary value of such imbursement.

第四十六条 研究生奖助学金。


46Financial Aid

International postgraduate students who are successful in their studies can obtain academic grants from both the university itself as well as the subsequent relevant tutoring department.


第十二章  毕业与结业

Article 12   Graduate Students

第四十七条 攻读学位的留学生,修满学业并通过学位论文答辩,成绩合格,发给毕业证书和学位证书;学生修读完教学计划规定的全部课程但未修满最低的毕业学分,按结业处理,只发结业证书;未完成学业者,只发给肄业证书,证书上注明学习年限。

47International postgraduate students who successfully complete their course work and dissertations will be issued a degree and diploma at the end of their study. Students who fail to complete their program of study will be issued an associate degree only, and their study period will be indicated on their certificate.

第四十八条 进修生完成研究计划,向导师提交研究报告并被认可者,发给进修证书。

48Advanced international students who have completed their research projects for approval by their study mentor and, subject to approval, will be issued a training certification.

第四十九条 汉语语言生坚持听课,考试及格者,发给进修证明书;考试不及格和没有参加考试者,发给在校学习证明。

49International Chinese Language students must attend class and successfully complete all their examinations in order to earn a certificate, Should they fail their examination, they will not be eligible for a certificate.


第十三章  离  校

Article 13   Leaving School

第五十条 留学生毕业或结业,离校前应持《离校清单》到有关部门交还借用的物品、图书、学生证、借书证、医疗证,结清账目,然后将《离校清单》交回对外联络处,经审核无误,方可离校。

50Prior to leaving university, all international graduate students should prepare a list of all used articles, books, student ID cards, library cards, medical cards, etc. They must settle any outstanding accounts with all relevant departments, and submit their list to the International Office for auditing.

第五十一条 留学生在离校前一天,应知会对外联络处和学生公寓服务管理中心,清点归还各项生活用品,交还住房钥匙,同时结清住房费用。

51International students should notify the International Office one day prior to their departure from the country, and return any room keys and household items that are the property of their dormitory. Then, the room will be inventoried and any outstanding accommodation costs will be settled.

第五十二条 已毕业或结业的留学生,在完成学业的两周内离校。如因特殊原因推迟离校,应向对外联络处说明原因并征得同意,但不能再以留学生身份申办居留证的延长手续或出入境签证手续。

52International graduate students must leave the school within 2 weeks of completion of their study program. Should they wish to stay at the university longer, for any reason, they must submit a request to the International Office explaining their reasons. However, students must be aware that they no longer possess a valid student identity card, nor can they apply for a Resident Permit extension or entry visa.


第十四章  附  则

Article 14   Supplementary Articles

第五十三条 港澳台学生的管理参照此管理规定执行。

53Management students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan must follow these provisions.

第五十四条 本规定自发文之日起施行。

54The provisions take effect from their date of issue.

第五十五条 本规定由对外联络处负责解释。

55These provisions, where the right of interpreting the details belongs exclusively to the International Office of GOU.




